Website Findability


It’s a real word.

And every business needs to be found.

Urban Dictionary 1 defines “findability” as follows:

Findability is simply the ability to be found or discovered among other similar things. The ability for a person or a thing to be found depends on several variables such as level of exposure, physical location in relation to other similar things, the amount of times something has been discovered before and most importantly the attributes belonging to such a thing which enable it to be recognized as belonging with or representing other ‘things’ which are socially agreed upon as ‘being’ such a thing.

Bizeeo Marketing Agency creates “findable” websites for local, small businesses.

In order to be found, a business needs an “Online Presence”. And in order to compete, it requires a STRONG online presence.

This typically begins with a web design that reflects your brand, promotes your products and services and delivers your unique message.

(Please note: A quality website design is only part of a well-executed Digital Marketing Strategy, but often serves as the hub of ALL of your marketing activities, both online and offline.)

There are several characteristics that define a “good” website design, including:

  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Professional appearance
  • Easy navigation
  • Informative

But the one attribute that trumps all others is “findability”.

According to Wikipedia 2:

Findability is a term for the ease with which information contained on a website can be found, both from outside the website (using search engines and the like) and by users already on the website. Although findability has relevance outside the World Wide Web, it is usually used in the context of the web.

SEO and Findability

The emphasis of this article is “findability” from “outside the website”.

Otherwise, none of the other characteristics or attributes listed above regarding “good web design” matter if a potential customer never finds or arrives at your website.

This is why SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, should be an integral part of your initial web design efforts AND play the leading role in the continual tweaking process.

In many cases, websites need to be redesigned due to SEO considerations alone.

Proper optimization techniques are what make your website consistently rank well with the search engines for the keywords relevant to your business.

Before you embark on building a new website, or are considering redesigning your existing website, remember this crucial point:

EVERY aspect of your website design should be scrutinized with consideration for how it will affect its search engine ranking – ALL other design considerations are secondary!

Contact Bizeeo™ so we can have a frank discussion about your small business web design requirements.


Show 2 footnotes

  1. “Findability” according to Urban Dictionary
  2. Learn more about website findability on Wikipedia
Vernon Blake:

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  • When a web designer creates a website, the designer must work to improve a website's SEO and ultimately their visibility. Without SEO, a simple website is nothing. Web design is closely tied to SEO.

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