Marketing Misconceptions & Myths

Bizeeo’s™ goal is to always be “The Good Marketer“.

Not the biggest or the trendiest or the cheapest. What do we mean?

Bizeeo™ is a Marketing Agency in the Montgomery River Region.

And we strive to be “good”.

What does it mean to be a “Good Marketer“?

We found a video by a company named Mirasee1 that explains it so well that we had to share.

So, other than this introductory paragraph, we refrained from our usual personal editorializing. (Do you know how difficult that is for us? Whoops! Okay, we’ll stop.)

We also provided the video transcript below.

We hope you enjoy, and thank you Mirasee!

What is Marketing?

Video credit: Mirasee

Begin transcript:

“There are plenty of common misconceptions about marketing so before we get into what marketing really is, here are some examples of what it isn’t.

Common Misconceptions

#1: Marketing Is Evil

“A lot of people think that marketing has no inherent value and that its only purpose is to separate people from their money.

That is not the case.

Of course, not everyone will agree with every part of every marketing campaign, but just because you don’t like part of something doesn’t mean that all of it is evil or even wrong.

I mean, if you hate brussel sprouts it doesn’t follow you think that every vegetable is a crime against nature, right?

Now we can assume that you don’t fall prey to this particular myth.

Most people who think marketing is evil only do so because they’ve been fooled by myth number two.

#2: Marketing Is Advertising

“The second myth is that marketing is advertising.

We all understand why folks get tired of commercials selling deodorants and soft drink during their television shows and classic banner ads for anything and everything at the top of every website they visit.

The truth of the matter is that some advertisements are annoying.

But advertising is not all that marketing is.

It’s only a small part of a well developed effective marketing plan.

The idea of which will probably make you think of myth number three.

#3: Marketing Is Expensive

“And that myth is that marketing is expensive.

A misconception is that only big companies with giant marketing budgets can afford to advertise effectively, and that the little guys may as well not even bother.

Not true!

You can design and develop a solid and effective marketing campaign for almost any budget.

Stick with us and we’ll show you how.

Now that we’ve gotten some of the elephants out of the room, let’s move on to what marketing is.

Marketing Is:

“There are lots of different definitions and almost every business person has their own.

We actually have different definitions ourselves.

I like to say that marketing is the process of aligning your offering with the customer’s needs and communicating that to them.

And my favorite definition is that marketing is the process of creating and maintaining a customer relationship.

We’re both right.

Marketing Communications

“Danny’s definition is more communication-oriented and no wonder, he’s a communications strategist.

What this definition means in more detail is that marketing is about giving your customers what they want and then telling them that you’re giving them what they want.

If someone wants something, and they know you have it, they’ll probably buy it from you.

Marketing Relationships

“Peter’s definition that marketing is the process of creating and maintaining customer relationships takes in the whole, large scope of marketing.

Any contact you have with the customer is a potential marketing opportunity, and because of that, having a solid customer relationship based on trust is incredibly important.

Marketing is so much more than just advertising and promotion.

Marketing is customer service and distribution.

Marketing is communication.

Anytime you get information about a product or service, that’s marketing.

Even if you heard about it from your mother-in-law.

When your computer breaks down and you call the company about the warranty, that’s marketing.

When you go to the grocery store and see the shelves filled with different product, that’s marketing, too.

How can this be?

The Good Marketer

The good marketer makes an effort to know and understand their customers so that they can provide something that’s useful and valuable for them.

Aligning what you sell with the needs of the customer and developing an honest, genuine relationship with that customer is what marketing is really all about.

That’s why communication is so important.

So is building trust.

4 Ps

“So, what are all the elements involved in marketing?

The most important ones are the four P’s, which are explained in great detail in the fire pole marketing training program and in posts throughout our blog.

Want more lessons and tips like this one?

Subscribe to our marketing blog or sign up for our free, seven-day business marketing video course.” (see footnotes)

End transcript

Show 1 footnote

  1. Mirasee is a provider of business education, training and marketing tools. They’ve been featured on Forbes, The Huffington Post, LifeHacker, KISSmetrics, and other respected online resources. Visit Mirasee’s website for more information.
Vernon Blake:
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