Web Analytics

Web Statistics

Bizeeo Marketing Agency provides Web Analytics services in Montgomery, Alabama.

We’re located near Interstate I-85 and Zelda Rd in Hillwood and Midtown Montgomery.

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Website Analytics Service

Today’s Digital Environment offers opportunities like never before to improve your Digital Marketing Strategies.

Web Analytics is the collection, measurement, analysis and reporting of visitor traffic on your website.

The performance and success of your website can be determined only if you have reliable, measurable data.

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Google Analytics

Google provides a free service named Google Analytics 1 that will provide all types of useful information.

This data can be used as follows:

  • Measuring the number of unique website visitors
  • Determining the method by which a visitor reached your site
  • Displaying the geographic distribution of website visitors
  • Reporting the dates and time of day of each website visitor
  • Determining the search keywords used to find your site
  • Understanding visitor behavior on your website
  • Optimizing web pages based on habits of website visitors
  • Improving the overall effectiveness of your website
  • Market research

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Website Reporting

The unique reporting requirements of a website will depend on the individual needs of each business or organization.

Contact Bizeeo Marketing Agency and allow us to help you make better Advertising and Marketing decisions using Web Analytics and reporting.

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“We must move from numbers keeping score to numbers that drive better actions.” ~ David Walmsley

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  1. Learn more about Google Analytics.

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